The south border of the Mediterranean: today as yesterday filter of migrations and commerce.
Libia is a fascinating country that has saved the different traces of our history. The presence of different races and the social stratifications make lybian people very charming. The old capital of Tripolania, Leptis- Magna, was as important for the Roman Empire as Havana was for the Spanish. It represented the marchalling yard for all the reaches coming from the huge African continent, which was richer than today and had a lot less dry climate.
As reported from Alessandro Pansa’s Limes study, in the context of today’s migration floats, Libia represents a privileged transit station thanks to its its 5.000 Kilometres of desert landline and 1.200 kilometres of coasts.
The Tuareg have lived in the Saharan interior since the past, they have carried people and and goods toward the northern markets since the Roman Empire times. Today there is nothing left of the tissue trade, of the spices and the jewels that made the Tuareg the richest and the noblest population of the desert.
Today, apart from petrol, the only thing left is illegal immigration and the clandestines that are obbliged to face long and awful journeys in very bad conditions.
The Tuareg live at the borders of this world, like russian people that ran away from Paris during the Revolution to do the taxi drivers, the only job they could do to be indipendent from anyone.
In the Tuareg’s faces I found those expressions of pride I was picturing in my mind when I used to listen to my grandparents’ stories. They were the pioneers of tourism in the desert.
Alessandro Belgiojoso
Rodolfo Fiorenza
The Il Silenzio dell’ombra
The fruitful meeting with Turkey was realized during the studies carried out for the University of Tuscia. The researches concerned a long photographic study on the VI century church in the small Island of Tavsan, then the area of Cappadocia.
Black and white images investigate the stones that are mould by the erosion. They investigate also the natural/innatural shapes of the Camini di Fata, discovering and denying the human presence.
The anthropic and natural element communicate in a silence that becomes a rumble; the black saturation makes the atmospheric density impalpable, with strong painting effects in the long shots, while the near visuals disclose the details, the slots and the bends that run after the big rocks.
Rodolfo Fiorenza lives and works in Rome.
Since the 70’s he had focused on photography, following different guidelines for his research. Alongside the images of Sicily, Matera and United States, we can find other studies on some artistic works and their techniques. He goes on with his job, working on the enlargement/amplification and the repetition of the same detail, usually a body or a wall, up to the complete abstraction of the reality. Sometimes he works on images artistically, as if he wanted to change them into an introspective relation with the fisical matter.
In 1986, 1990 and 2000 he exposed at the International Biennial “pour la Photographie d’Art et de Recherche” in Paris.
His last personal exhibition, in the framework of the Festival Internazionale di Fotografia, was the Elogio dell’Ombra, inside the Galleria Studio Trisorio in Rome.
La Via Reale
During her reportages, the photographer Tamara Triffez adventures to discover the ancient cultural roots that humans have always espressed to state their dignity in different places around the world.
For many years she has been focusing on human evolution.
She starts watching and describing an event and the daily life that is also showed in the religious celebrations. That is why Tamara decided to go to Sicily to take part to the typical celebrations related to Easter.
Sicily is a land full of traditions and ancestral rituals that still today testify the multicultural origins of this beautiful island situated in the heart of the Mediterranean.