pres CAHER GIURIA20102-238x300President
Robert Cahen
One of the most significant figures in video creation




DAgostino GIURIA 2010-300x224Franco D’Agostino
Professor of Assyriology – University “La Sapienza”, Rome
Publischer of the “Rivista degli Studi Orientali”
Co-director of the excavation of the Abu Tbeirah site




KevinDwyerGIURIA 2010-235x300Kevin Dwyer
He taught in the American University, Cairo, and Columbia University, New York.




mansourGIURIA2010 -300x200Carol Mansour
Libanese Filmmaker
Foundress of “Forward Film Production”, production house




tessaGIURIA 2010-225x300Tessa Calenda Rosenfeld
Artist and writer