#elgoogo project – Waiting for the (t)rain
A small village lost in a dusty desert in Burkina’s bush where two times a week a train passes. Various food items and water bottles thrown by the passengers while passing by constitute the main income of the village, and the only source of water during dry season. Different portraits follow each individuals of the village. The older ones have known slavery in the service of France, the young dream of distant horizons.
Food for thought…
This short but fascinating documentary has become another one of my favourites. The documentary shows numerous personal life stories where the individuals are all faced with the same limitation. It is beautiful to see and learn the differing thoughts and principles that guide all the individuals and help them overcome this limitation. This is an incredible documentary in the way it showcases the feelings of hope, anger, sympathy and empathy.
As always, don’t forget so share this documentary with your friends and family. Let’s unite and #establishties.
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