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Matthias Brunner began his career as movie buff, critic, film producer and film curator for art-house movies in Switzerland. He worked for many film festivals like Filmex and the American Cinematheque in Los Angeles, the Locarno Filmfestival and the Zürich Filmfestival.
He still visits all the major international film festivals since 40 years. 1992 he became a film curator for Art Basel/Miami and a member of the European Filmacademy. He is the founder and manager of the Douglas Sirk Foundation and coproduced recently “Sennentuntschi“ and “Paul Bowles – The Cagedoor is always open”. His first art/film installation “Magnificent Obsession – The Love Affair between Movies and Literature“ was shown on the Monte Verità and is placed in the collection of the Kunsthaus Zürich and “La Maison pour l’Ecriture et la Littérature“. His installation “The Magic World of the Mountains In the films by Daniel Schmid“ was exhibited at the Chesa Planta Museum in the Engadin in 2013 and in Gstaad. Further film installations were “The Music Room“, an homage to Satyajit Ray at St. Moritz Art Masters 2014, and “Let’s Pop Again – How Hollywood Popped Before Pop-Art“, an installation as an homage to Frank Tashlin, which he did for the art space of the Swiss Institute in New York.
He got several awards such as the 1th award from Europa Cinemas, Strasbourg, the Zürich Film Award and a decoration as Officier des Arts et des Lettres from the State of France. For his film installations he got 2014 a special tribute by the Swiss Institute in New York.




Eibe Maleen Krebs (b.1982) is a young photographer and filmmaker born and based in Hamburg, Germany. She studied photography and film at the Department of Design at the University of Applied Science in Hamburg and graduated in October 2008. For this final project, she has travelled through Australia for three months to collect material, in order to create a documentation in film and photography. The illustrated book of the documentation is called “Haus Vogelsang”; the name of the film is “Looking forward – looking back!”(87 min). Afterwards she worked as freelance photographer and director. Since 2010 to 2013 she attended a Master of Fine Arts at the HFBK in Hamburg with a focus on film. In spring 2014, she finished her final film “Vom Hören Sagen” (Hearsay). It is a filmic approach to the visual and blind perceptual world ( For this film she received a special mention for Photography at the 9th edition of Sole Luna Doc Film Festival.

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Born in Palermo, graduated in Architecture, he has attended the film sets since 1970. As a director and producer, he has dedicated himself to both fiction and documentary. He produced films, such as “Disamistade” by Gianfranco Cabiddu and “Diary without dates” by Ermanno Olmi. His first film as a director is “Il Buma”, for which he was also the producer; starring Adriana Asti, Rinaldo Rocco and Jacques Boudet, “Il Buma” was selected in various festivals and distributed in Italy by Istituto Luce. He has directed many documentaries, winning prizes and awards: “Matar es mi destino (2009), “Tre lamette cento lire” (2007),” Attenti al Cane” (2004), “Tra cielo e mare” (1999), “Via Detroit” (1996), “Paesaggio con figura” (1992), “Madonie: le masserie” (1989) and some short films (“Intrabit ut vulpis”, “Raincoats”, “Deja-vu”, “Ciclista per caso”). He is wrapping up his latest documentary, “The look of the band”, a portrait of the band La Banda di Palermo, also known as M.I.L. – Musica Internazionale Locale. Between 1998 and 2006 he curated the eighth edition of Nanookfilmfest, hosting stars of international importance such as Frederick Wiseman, Gianfranco Mingozzi, Gian Vittorio Baldi, Robert Guédiguian. He was the artistic director of the Sole Luna Festival between 2009 and 2011 and he is currently the artistic director of the Efebo d’Oro Prize.




After his degree in Sociology at the University of Trento, he attended the ‘Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia’, head up by Roberto Rossellini, where he obtained his director’s diploma. In 1978 he started a lifelong collaboration with Michelangelo Antonioni, for whom he produced three projects: ‘Antonioni visto da Antonioni’, ‘Ritorno a Lisca Bianca’ and ‘Frate Francesco’. As a filmmaker he directed a series of TV programs for European broadcastings, such as: ‘Il Circolo immaginario: Bloomsbury’, for the series ‘Uomini e idee del ‘900’ (Men and ideas of the XIX century) ‘Assistenza ed Esistenza’, ‘Casta Diva’ and, from a letter of Roland Barthes (whose this year marks the centenary of the birth), ‘Dear Antonioni…’, the most complete reconstruction of work and life of this great Master. He regularly collaborates as a screenwriter with the Oscar winner Mark Peploe.




Lupe Perez Garcia was born in 1970. She studied Communication at the University of Buenos Aires and Creative Documentary at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (Catalunya, Spain). As a documentary and experimental filmmaker, she has made two feature films: the documentary “Diario Argentino” (Argentine Journal,) in 2006, produced by Impossible Films (Spain) and Rizoma Films (Argentina), and the experimental film “Antígona Despierta” (Antigone awake) in 2014, produced by Toma 78 (Spain) and Labyrint Films (Spain). As editor she has made “El quadern de fang” (The Mud Notebook) by Isaki Lacuesta about painter Miquel Barceló’s work during the mounting of performance “Los Pasos Dobles”. This film was finalist in the “Best Documentary” category of The Spanish Film Academy “Los Goya”. As editor she was nominated for the “Best editing” category. Her work as an editor in the feature documentary “El cielo gira” (The sky turns) by Mercedes Alvarez was awarded with the Best Editing Award by the Círculo de Escritores Cinematográficos Españoles (2006). Lupe Perez Garcia teaches since 2004. She gives seminars at the Master of Creative Documentary at Pompeu Fabra University, also at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, at the CECC (Centre d`Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya), at Can Xalant (Centre de Creació i Pensament Contemporani) de Mataró and at University of Buenos Aires.