Tribute to Palermo
Regia | Director: Ruben Monterosso e Federico Savonitto
Fotografia | Photography: Ruben Monterosso e Federico Savonitto
Montaggio | Editing: Edoardo Morabito
Produzione | Production: Sciara
Italia, 2017, 55’, italiano con sottotitoli in inglese|
Italian with English subtitles
Pellegrino is the tale of a place where sacred, profane, nature and history coexist and exert a strong attraction. The film follows the stories of people who are in the mount – both regularly and occasionally – crossing the paths of artists, wanderers, naturalists, alchemists and pilgrims of different origin, who, with a reason or a need, turn the Mount into their obsession, a reason for passing through it or the trace of an answer they are looking for.
It is a reflection on the sense of living the nature and the intimate relationship between people and places, especially when these places carry on an ancient memory.
Art in Doc
Anima Pietra – Sulle orme di Sarino Santamaria
Video di | Video by: Ivana Stroscio, Mattia Trupia, Costanza La Bruna, Francesca La Bianca, Federica Bannò
Tutor: Antonio Macaluso
Coordinamento | Coordinated by : Marinella Muratore
Produzione | Production: Associazione Culturale OutArtLab
Italia, 2017, 15
Italiano | Italian
Favignana is a butterfly-shaped island characterized by a wing grooved with caves, sinkholes and quarries that have the solemn and metaphysical aspect of ancient sanctuaries. From these quarries people have extracted the tuff blocks for centuries, blocks from which Rosario Santamaria, “U Zu ‘Sarino” as everyone still calls him on the island, elaborated his sculptures. Through the memories of the inhabitants of Favignana, Anima Pietra retraces the steps of this man, “fantastic sovereign” who dominated the island with his heads and his bizarre personality. The documentary was born from A.P.Q. – Young Creators of themselves and the territory (CreAZIONI giovani) of the Regione Siciliana – Line 1 “Young Talents”, with the project “Sicily Outsider – artistic paths in the invisible”.
Jan Fabre. Beyond the artist
Regia | Director: Giulio Boato
Fotografia | Photography: Jeoffroy Duval
Montaggio | Editing: Giulio Boato
Produzione | Production: La compagnie des Indes
Francia/Belgio 2014, 52’, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano|o.v. with English and Italian subtitles
Jan Fabre, born in 1958, lives and works in Antwerp. Many works have been published on his works as a visual artist, stage director, choreographer, set designer, performer. But never has a documentary been produced on this mult-talented figure. The documentary is based on the interviews with Jan Fabre, Georges Banu (a theatre critic), Vincent Baudriller (ex co-director of Festival d’Avignon), Jan Dekeyser (architect of Fabre’s theatre/atelier) and Rudolf Rach (Fabre’s editor in France). The images of 12 shows, 5 exhibitions and many drawings, models and sculptures move behind the words of the interviewees, drawing up the lines of the portrait of one of the most controversial artist of the last decades.
Ousmane Sow, Le soleil en face
Regia | Director: Béatrice Soulé
Fotografia | Photography: Béatrice Soulé, Eric Millot e Olivier Guéneau
Montaggio | Editing: Roger Ikhlef e Julie Martinovic
Francia 2000, 53’, francese con sottotitoli in italiano|
French with Italian subtitles
This is the story of the passing of time, to the slow rhythm of Ousmane Sow and that of the time that rushes, from the birth of a work to its hatching. In the intimacy of the house of the sculptor in Dakar, a house in full creation, Béatrice Soulé shares her emotion of watching these works emerging from the sand that seem to go from death to life.
Tobia Scarpa. L’anima segreta delle cose
Regia | Director Elia Romanelli
Fotografia | Photography Lorenzo Pezzano
Montaggio | Editing Chiara Andrich
Produzione | Production Studio Liz
Italia, 2015, 30’ italiano | Italian
This documentary is based on a series of meetings with Tobia Scarpa; morning meetings, afternoon meetings, having a tea but with two cameras, a tripod and a bit of light. Five meetings in three years. Daily activities: reading, driving, making a paper airplane. Then, from the routine to the extraordinary: to be present at the genesis of objects, to see the process that, starting from a few words and a few pencil sketches on a sheet, leads to something that is unprecedented, something that will enter the world of concrete and touchable things.