69 Minutes of 86 Days
Regia | Director: Egil Haskjold Larsen
Fotografia | Photography: Egil Haskjold Larsen
Montaggio | Editing: Egil Håskjold Larsen, Victor Kossakovsky
Produzione | Production: Taskovski Films
Norvegia, 2017, 70’, arabo con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano| Arabic with English and Italian subtitles
Escaping to survive, from a country at war, a 3-year-old girl, Lean, is making her way through a chaotic Europe.
The child stands alone as the representative of something pure as well as being a keeper of our faith in humanity
and empathy.
Alain Daniélou la via del labirinto
Regia | Director: Riccardo Biadene
Fotografia | Photography: Michele Nassuato, Matteo Cocco, Simone Pierini
Montaggio | Editing: Lorenzo Pazzi, Desideria Rayner
Produzione | Production: FIND / KAMA Productions
Svizzera/Italia, 2017, 58’, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese| o.v. with English subtitles
The extraordinary life of man who brought India to the West. An adventurous musical journey starting from Brittany, passing through India (Shantiniketan, Varanasi, Khajuraho, Konarak, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Pondicherry),
Berlin, Venice and Rome, following the story of the French-born Alain Daniélou, indologist and musicologist who mainly lived in India between the 30’s and the 60’s. In 1963, been back to Europe, he founds and directs the Berlin International Institute for Comparative Studies and Documentation, carrying on the recordings for the UNESCO collection.
Regia | Director: Cláudia Varejão
Fotografia | Photography: Cláudia Varejão
Montaggio | Editing: João Brás
Produzione | Production: Terratreme Filmes, Mira Filmes
Portogallo, 2016,113’, giapponese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano|Japanese with English and Italian subtitles
When cherry-trees bloom in the small town of Wagu, the Ama-San, i.e. “the women of the sea”, go to the seaside and turn into actual marine beings. They plunge into the secrets of the ocean waters searching for algae, crustaceans, and mussels. Like creatures of the abyss, the deft gestures of these women from different generations preserve the ritual of ancient fishing, based at once on strength and gentleness.
I cormorani
Regia | Director: Fabio Bobbio
Fotografia | Photography: Stefano Giovannini
Montaggio | Editing: Fabio Bobbio
Produzione | Production: Strani Film
Italia, 2016, 86’, italiano con sottotitoli in inglese| Italian with English subtitles
Matteo and Samuele are twelve years old and during the summer they spend their days between the river, the woods and the mall, but compared to previous years something is changing. The game becomes boring, fantasy gives way to discovery, adventure becomes a life experience. A summer with no beginning and with no end, the story of a friendship, of an age and of a territory forced to change with the time flowing inexorable.
Il segreto delle calze
Regia | Director: Nicola Contini
Fotografia | Photography: Daniele Alecci
Montaggio | Editing: Diego Volpi
Produzione | Production: Eie Film – Daneng
Italia, 2015, 52’, italiano e cinese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano| Italian and English with English and Italian subtitles
Between Emilia street and Pechino. Emilia and Angiolo, small business entrepreneurs from Tuscany who, after their company producing women’s stockings went bankrupt, emigrated from the small industrial district of Empoli
in Italy, to Yiwu, in the People’s Republic of China. Thanks to their knowledge of craftsmanship, from a small Italian district, they catapulted themselves into the new Chinese reality at 65 years old becoming protagonists
of the world’s most booming economy. After 10 years spent in China, they have another challenge to face: find the courage to come back home.
L’Eau Sacrée
Regia | Director: Olivier Jourdain
Fotografia | Photography: Christophe Rolin, Olivier Jourdain
Montaggio | Editing: Mélanie Leclech, Mathieu Piérart
Produzione | Production: Nameless Productions
Belgio, 2016, 55’, kinyarwanda e inglese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano| Kinyarwanda and English with English and Italian subtitles
“Sacred water” is a respectful ode to female pleasure in Rwanda, with a sense of humor and no trace of embarrassment. Guided by Vestine, an extravagant star of radio nights, the film discovers Rwandan sexuality in search of the water that gushes out the female body and reveals with humor and spontaneity the mystery of female ejaculation.
The documentary confronts the western viewer with its own intimacy and immerses you into a modern Rwanda rediscovering its heritage in the most secret way: female pleasure.
Les deux visages d’une femme bamiléké
Regia | Director: Rosine Mbakam
Fotografia | Photography: Rosine Mbakam
Montaggio | Editing: Philippe Boucq
Produzione | Production: Tândor productions ASBL
Belgio, 2016, 76’, francese e bamileke con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano| French and Bamiléké with English and Italian subtitles
The movie is a confrontation that is questioning the choice of two women, a mother and her daughter, from Cameroun. The first is 68 years old and has always lives in Cameroun. She grew up in the bush where her family like many others fled the repression of French settlers. She married at age 18 with a man that was introduced to her by her parents. The second, the director of the movie, leaves his country at 27 years old to go to Belgium. Two generations who look, especially two women who exchange their privacy, their suffering and their desire as women.
See You In Chechnya
Regia | Director: Alexander Kvatashidze
Fotografia | Photography: Alexander Kvatashidze
Montaggio | Editing: Sophie Raiter, Amrita David
Produzione | Production: Lokokina Studio
Georgia, 2016, 69’,v.0. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano| o.v. with English and Italian subtitles
An accidental meeting with a foreign war photographer takes Alex to war in Chechnya. After experiencing it, he realizes he also wants to become a war photographer however, he doesn’t succeed.
It will take Alex 15 years to track the stories of people, who throw themselves into the frontline, and to understand their true motivations, and to see what war does to them. It will take Alex 15 years to rethink his intention and to realize that he has found his place somewhere else, while turning his back to war.
Vuelo nocturno
Regia | Director: Nicolas Herzog
Fotografia | Photography: Gaston Delecluze & Leonel Pazos
Montaggio | Editing: Sebastián Miranda & Nicolas Herzog
Produzione | Production: Rumba Cine
Argentina, 2016, 70’, spagnolo e francese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano| Spanish and French with English and Italian subtitles
A series of videos that Antoine de Saint-Exupéry sent to the filmmaker Jean Renoir in 1941 are the starting point to reconstruct the love affair between the French writer and aviator with the “Argentine princesses” Edda and Suzzane Fuchs who are main characters of the chapter “Oasis” in his book Earth of Men and muses of The Little Prince.