2006 – Since you left

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film Description




Since you left

Regia | Director Mohamed Bakri
Fotografia | Fotography Fayçal Hassairi
Montaggio | Editing Gabi Shihor
Produzione|Production Mohamed Bakri & Ness Com
Palestina – Israele, 2005, 58’
Arabo, ebraico, inglese con sottotitoli in italiano e inglese | Arabic, Hebrew, English with Italian and English subtitles 

The Palestinian-Israeli actor Mohammad Bakri stands before the grave of Palestinian writer and politician Emil Habibi, a close friend who influenced his own work, and speaks about the things that have come to pass in his life. Bakri struggled bitterly as his two nephews were persecuted for their involvement in a terrorist incident and the screening of his documentary Jenin Jenin was prohibited in Israel. While reflecting on the words of Habibi, Bakri calls for both Israel and Palestine to face each other and come to grips with their own foolishness.

October 26 – November 1, Loggiato di San Bartolomeo, Santa Maria dello Spasimo

JURY’S STATEMENTThanks to Mohammad Bakri for this harsh, courageous and necessary work. The strength of the dialogues, the drama of the events and the intensity of the proposal underline the urgency of listening to each other in search of a difficult hope.

Francesco Alberoni – Sociologist, Università Cattolica of Milan
Sophie Bessis – French Journalist and writer
Maryam Sachs Banihashem – Iranian Writer
Matteo Thun – Architect
Stefano Zardini – Photographer and artist