regia / director Zara Balfour, Marcus Stephenson
fotografia / photography Marcus Stephenson, Mark Hakansson, Zara Balfour
montaggio / editing Graham Taylor
produzione / production Picture on the Wall Productions, Mayfly TV
United Kingdom 2018, 93′
inglese, nepalese, tibetano con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / English, Nepali, Tibetan, with English and Italian subtitles
Children of the Snow Land tells the story of a group of children born in the High Himalayas of Nepal, a remote area of great natural beauty but where life is extremely tough. From just four years old, some children are sent by their parents to the capital city, Kathmandu, to a school run by a Buddhist monk in the hope that education will give them a better chance in life. For ten years or more, they do not see or speak to their parents, due to the remoteness of their villages. Now, upon graduation, aged 16, the children are making the trek home: an arduous and lengthy journey across mountains that takes them to the highest inhabited place on the planet. A faraway, off-grid land where the way of life has not changed for thousands of years.
Children of the Snow Land – Trailer from Snow Land on Vimeo.