Island of the hungry ghosts

1 photo

film Description

regia / director Gabrielle Brady
fotografia / photography Michael Latham
montaggio / editing Katharina Fiedler
produzione / production Alexander Wadouh, Chromosom Film
Germania-Regno Unito- Austria 2018, 94′
inglese, francese, mandarino, dialetto hokkien, cantonese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano
/ English, French, Farsi, Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese with English and Italian subtitles

Christmas Island, Australia, is home to one of the largest land migrations on earth of forty million crabs journeying from jungle to sea. But the jungle holds another secret: a high-security facility that indefinitely detains individuals seeking asylum.


More Information

Sole Luna Sguardi Doc SAN GREGORIO 5th October, h.22,30