Regia/Director Tamara Mamon
Fotografia/Photography May Abadi Grebler
Montaggio/Editing Uriya Hertz
Produzione/Production Assaf Amir
Israele 2019, 58’ ebraico, arabo con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / Hebrew, Arabic with English and Italian subtitles
Omar, Muhammad and Yazan are three 12-year-olds from Lod. The boys are in their last year of elementary school, beginning to confront the challenges of life: Omar will deal with his father’s illness, Yazan will need to overcome the consequences of his violent behavior and Muhammad will prepare to leave Lod and the friends he loves so much. When Ella, a Jewish woman who emigrated from the former Soviet Union founds a choir in their school, she invites them to a safe and fantastic environment that will challenge the stark reality awaiting beyond the classroom walls and the real journey which occurs in the souls of the children.