Rhythms of lost time

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film Description

Regia/Director Anisa Sabiri
Fotografia/Photography Alexey Venzos
Montaggio/Editing Razvan Barseti
Produzione/Production Anisa Sabiri
Tagikistan 2021, 45’ tagico, inglese con sottotitoli in italiano e inglese/ Tajik, English with Italian and English subtitles

Globalization and politico-religious pressure are ruthlessly stamping out the last remnants of traditional culture. In Tajikistan, most of which is mountainous, music and dancing still accompany people in joy and sorrow — as they did a thousand years ago. British musician Leo Abrahams, hearing a recording of maddoh many years ago, was struck by its unusual beauty, and came to Tajikistan in an attempt to hear the music in person.

monday july 5
Cortile Abatelli