The bubble

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film Description

Regia/Director Valerie Blankenbyl
Fotografia/Photography Joe Berger
Montaggio/Editing Nela Märki
Produzione/Production Catpics Ltd
Svizzera-Austria 2021, 91’ inglese con sottotitoli italiano/ Switzerland-Austria 2021, 91’ English with Italian subtitles

Welcome to Florida’s Friendliest Hometown. The Bubble explores senior citizen life within The Villages, America’s largest retirement community; a 32-square mile, sun-drenched, beautifully maintained, gated Floridian paradise housing over 150,000 retirees. Retired life beneath the year-round Floridian sunshine, however, is not perhaps as idyllic, or as welcomed, as many ageing Villagers and viewers may imagine. The Bubble offers viewers an engaging, provocative yet compassionate contemplation of American ways of life, ageing, and death.

tuesday 5 july
h. 21.00
Cortile Abatelli