Regia/Director Gastón Andrade
Fotografia/Photography Rodrigo Rodriguez
Montaggio/Editing Gastón Andrade
Produzione/Production Escuela Nacional de Artes Cinematográficas (ENAC- UNAM)
Messico 2021, 112’ spagnolo con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano/ México 2021, 112’ Spanish with English and Italian subtitles
Art is a freedom for those who make it as well as for those who look at it. A freedom that ends when violence begins. In Mexico, eleven women are murdered every day and impunity prevails in more than 90 percent. Through the testimony of seven women, this documentary essay reflects on femicide and the destruction it leaves behind in a country and its culture. In Mexico, women are not free, their freedom is a phantom. And in times of horror, art cannot be the same because every time a woman is murdered, a museum or a library collapse in the world.