The spark

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film Description

Regia/Directors Valeria Mazzucchi, Antoine Harari
Fotografia/Photography Valeria Mazzucchi, Antoine Harari
Montaggio/Editing Christine Hoffet
Produzione/Production Akka Films
Svizzera-Francia-Italia 2021, 61’ francese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano/ Swiss-France-Italy 2021, 61’ French with English and Italian subtitles

Located about 30 km from the French city of Nantes, the ZAD (Zone to Defend) of Notre-Dame-des-Landes is one of the largest autonomous spaces in Europe. It occupies almost 2000 hectares of forest, this movement has brought together a multitude of people looking for an alternative way of life, by questioning many of the rules of our society, both from a housing and economic and decision-making point of view. This place has become a crossroads for several protest movements from all over the world. 2018 was a difficult year for the ZAD: the Macron government decided to abandon the airport project that was planned on those lands and prepared the evacuation of the occupants with the intervention of 2500 policemen. The Spark (L’Étincelle in French) follows the daily lives of some of these residents during this critical year and questions wonders about the possibilities of changing the way we live as a society.

saturday 9 july
h. 22.30
Cortile Abatelli