Those next to us

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film Description

Regia/Director Bernhard Hetzenauer
Fotografia/Photography Bernhard Hetzenauer
Montaggio/Editing Gabriela Ivette Sandoval Torres
Produzione/Production Bernhard Hetzenauer, Irene Hetzenauer, Marko Mijatovic, Andrew Carlberg
Austria-Germania-Messico-Svizzera 2023, 30’ spagnolo con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / Austria-Germany-Mexico-Switzerland 2023, 30’ Spanish with English and Italian subtitles

In breathtaking words, Germán López Rosales from Mexico talks about his experience during a human-smuggling operation from border town Laredo, Texas, to San Antonio. Locked up inside a tractor-trailer, eight out of 39 immigrants died that day next to Germán because of extreme heat and lack of water. Two others died later in the hospital. Distant wide-angle shots of Texan suburbs and highways and the film’s slow editing rhythm contributes to put Germán’s testimony at the very centre of the film.

monday july 1
h. 21.30
Cortile Bonet