Opening Sole Luna Doc Film Festival | 2 july Palermo
Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 13. edizione / edition
2 luglio /July 2018
Santa Maria dello Spasimo Palermo
Ingresso gratuito/free entrance
inaugurazione / opening
with Banda alle Ciance
Drinks offered by Assovini, food offered by NaturaSì
Opening mostre / exhibitions
Il sacro degli altri. Culti e pratiche rituali dei migranti in Sicilia
fotografie di / photos by
Attilio Russo, Giuseppe Muccio
inaugurazione / opening
Crossfade spazio sonoro
Davide Cairo, Francesco Novara
inaugurazione / opening
Spotlight on Martina Melilli. The Fourth Day of School
2015, 5′ 03′′
Italian-African Rhyzome.A Choreography for Camera
2017, 4′ 13′′
2018, 2′ 30′′
— 20.00
saluti istituzionali / institutional greetings
— 21.00
concorso / competition
In the name of, Erlynee Kardany
Norvegia, 2017, 54′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles
Regista in sala| Meet the author
In a time when belief no longer has a true face and outrage and war threatens to take centerstage, this documentary searches for the secret of peace and compromise. This is a stirring story of one cross-cultural family in conflict over religion. Over the course of 5 years, the filmmaker turns the camera on herself and her nearest to shed light on the challenges of living with Islam as a modern day woman.
In the Name of… trailer (PREVIOUS TITLE IS : Love & Sacrifice) from Novemberfilm on Vimeo.
— 22.30
concorso / competition
Untitled, Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi
Germania e Austria, 2017, 107′, v.o. con voce narrante in italiano / o.v. with Italian voice over
After the sudden death of Michael Glawogger in April 2014, his longstanding collaborator and editor Monika Willi realizes a film out of the footage Glawogger shot over the course of 4 months and 19 days in the Balkans, Italy, North and West Africa. A journey out into the world with open eyes and open mind – observing, listening, experiencing. Serendipity is the concept and the only rule to apply – in editing and creating the film just as it was in shooting. Narrated by Nada Malanima.
— 21.00
concorso / competition
Sea of sorrow – Sea of hope, Estephan Wagner, Marianne Hougen-Moraga
Danimarca, 2018, 29′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles
Manal lives in Syria with her three children. A run-in with ISIS leading to death threats forces Manal to flee the country. She leaves her children behind, thinking they will be able to reunite, once she has reached Europe. However, after 10 long months in Denmark, she learns that she cannot apply for family reunification for another three years. Manal decides to save her children.
Raghu Rai. An unframed portrait, Avani Rai
Finlandia, India e Norvegia, 2017, 55′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles
An unframed portrait of Magnum photographer Raghu Rai and his 50 year long journey capturing the stories of India. Raghu Rai’s stories told through the eyes of his own rebel daughter. Together they embark on a journey to Kashmir, the most militarized land on earth.
— 22.30
concorso / competition
Before my feet touch the ground, Daphni Leef
Israele, 2017, 78′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles
July 2011, a young Israeli video editor named Daphni Leef decides to protest against rent prices by pitching a tent in the city center. Within a few days, a whole boulevard is full of tents because a modest protest against housing policy grew into a national protest movement for social justice. Daphni at first is combative and exuding an attractive idealism, she gradually becomes exhausted. As director, Daphni looks back on this turbulent period when she was transformed from a naive young woman into a celebrated and controversial national icon.
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