JCC – Rassegna sul cinema arabo e africano

For Sama

Regia/Directors Waad al-Kateab, Edward Watts
Fotografia/Photography Waad al-Kateab
Montaggio/Editing Chloe Lambourne, Simon McMahon
Produzione/Production Channel 4 News, Channel 4, Frontline, ITN Productions, PBS
Distribution, WGBH
Regno Unito-Siria 2019, 100’ arabo, inglese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / Arabic, English with English and Italian subtitles

“For Sama” is an intimate journey into the female experience of war, a love letter from a young mother to her daughter. The film tells the story of Waad al-Kateab through the years of the insurgency in Aleppo, Syria, when she falls in love, gets married and gives birth to Sama while the conflict breaks out all around her.
His camera collects incredible stories of losing, laughter and surviving as Waad wonders whether or not to leave the city to protect his daughter’s life, at a time when leaving means quitting the fight for freedom which he has already sacrificed so much for. This film is the first feature film by Emmy award-winning directors Waad al-Kateab and Edward Watts.

Koro du Bakoro

Regia/Director Simplice Herman Ganou
Fotografia/Photography Oumar Ba, Simplice Herman Ganou
Montaggio/Editing Isabelle Feder, Nicolas Houver
Produzione/Production Quilombo Films, Tilé Fari Docs Productions
Burkina Faso 2017, 78’ moré, dioula, francese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano/ Moré, Dioula, French with English and Italian subtitles

Polo has been roaming around Ouagadougou since childhood. He has grown now. At 29, he is the eldest of a group who lives from odd jobs and getting high. A harsh immersion in a reality as rough as the asphalt missing from the Streets of Ouagadou gou. The Koro of Bakoro, the survivors of Faso is above all a view from the Inside.

Upon the shadow

Regia/Director Nada Mezni Hafaiedh
Fotografia/Photography Ikbal Arafa
Montaggio/Editing Tidal Zran, Noura Nefzi
Produzione/Production Leyth production, La clairière Production
Tunisia 2017, 80’ arabo con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano/ Arabic with English and Italian subtitles

We discover the mysterious side of Amina Sboui (former Femen) and her daily life. Her friends of the LGBT community, who live at her home, have been rejected by their families and the society. Through out Amina, we dive into their stories: Sandra (transvestite), Ramy (gay), Ayoub (gay), Atef (gay and transvestite). Many unexpected events keep coming and caught live.