Oltre l’orizzonte. Contro-narrazioni dai margini al centro / Beyond the horizon. Counter-narratives from the margins to the centre
interventi / speakers
Andrea Volterrani (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata coordinatore del progetto / project coordinator); Marilena Macaluso, Marianna Siino, Giusi Tumminelli (Università degli Studi di Palermo); Oueded Candia, Hajer Jouini, Stefano Edward Puvanendrarajah (content creators Oltre)
Rajel - webserie
Progetto Oltre – Rajel Webserie
4 episodi / 4 episodes Italia, 60’
La voce dei nuovi europei
The graphic novel boards will be exhibited throughout the week of the festival.
Oltre il velo
Oltre il velo
performance di e con / by and with
Preziosa Salatino, Teatro Atlante, Palermo
The project aims at contributing to the prevention of Islamic radicalisation phenomena, especially among the new generation of young people of Muslim faith, through a nationwide online communication campaign.It is based on a participatory working method: in the territories, young people are involved in various activities such as: action-research, workshops to bring out the experiences that have led or risked leading to radicalisation, creative workshops to create and disseminate alternative narratives to Islamic fundamentalism. The same communication campaign involves young social media content creators who actively intervene by posting texts, videos and images of the experiences they live every day.Italian national institutions, universities and cultural associations are part of Oltre: Tor Vergata University of Rome (coordinator Prof. A. Volterrani), Sapienza University of Rome, University of Palermo, University of Cagliari; AbCrea; Arci, CoNNGI, Nahuel, Witness Journal, Socialhub, Officinae (https://oltre.uniroma2.it/).
The project involves the study and creation of original content produced for digital channels and disseminated on the most important platforms. The objective is twofold: not only to tell, through a positive narrative, examples of inclusion in our country, but also to unmask the contradictions and false promises of radicalisation.
The project also produced: the webseries Rajel, the video interviews with Mahmood Oltre la serie, the theatrical monologue Oltre il velo, by Preziosa Salatino, the song Tutto il mondo è paese, by Maruego, the graphic novel by Gianluca Costantini, the book Seconde generazioni, identità e partecipazione politica (M. Macaluso, M. Siino, Tumminelli G., FrancoAngeli, 2020).
Oltre is a project supported by the European Commission, DG Home Affairs (Internal Security Fund – Civil Society Empowerment Programme).
Cortile Steri
Creare legami | Establishing ties
Progetto Oltre
Presentazione del progetto/presentation of the project
intervengono / with Andrea Volterrani (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, coordinatore del progetto; Marilena Macaluso, Marianna Siino, Giusi Tumminelli (Università degli Studi di Palermo); Oueded Candia, Hajer Jouini, Stefano Edward Puvanendrarajah (Content creators del Progetto OLTRE).
modera/ moderator: Gabriella D’Agostino
Oltre Il velo
Performance di/by Preziosa Salatino
Sala delle Verifiche
Creare legami | Establishing ties
Progetto Oltre – Rajel Webserie
4 episodi / 4 episodes Italia, 60’