Eventi speciali
Dazzling shadows
Keja Ho Kramer & Joe Schievano
autoproduzione, 16′, tedesco con sottotitoli in italiano e inglese / autoproduction, 16′ German with Italian subtitles and English subtitles
photographs 35 mm analogical color, black & white film and video edit Keja Ho Kramer
sound & mix Joe Schievano – soundrivemotion
Dazzling Shadows is based on Goethe’s book Theory of Colours and the research he documented observing colors through prisms in controlled light and dark situations.
The film camera & lens are the medium the artist used to compose the images of color using light, the sky and flowers. There is a reoccurring theme in observation in the dark: the “afterimage”. A color or visual vibration is printed on the retina it has something to do with how our mind is reacting to darkness after the impulse of light. There is a perpetual transformation of color and hue in light and darkness.
This is the foundation on which it started developing the sound of the images. Listening to them, without really creating music but trying to translate what was already vibrating in the photographs. Pulses, beats, a-rhythmic patterns in high frequency, harmonic echoes, fragments, melodies that casually appear. At a point the sound becomes the perception of the flowers towards the outside world. The surrounding vegetation, and a diverse flow of humanity casually experiencing daily life: talking, whispering, laughing.

Richard Avedon: darkness and light
regia / director Helen Whitney
fotografia / photography Terry Hopkins
montaggio / editing Ted Winterburn
produzione / production Thirteen/Wnet, American Masters Special
Stati Uniti 1996, 85′ inglese con sottotitoli in italiano / United States 1996, 85′ English with Italian subtitles
Some of the most iconic portraits of the 20th and 21st centuries were taken by photographer Richard Avedon. For more than fifty years, Richard’s portraits have filled the pages of the country’s finest magazines.
Sur l’Adamant
regia / director Nicolas Philibert
Fotografia/Photography Camille Bertin, Katell Djian, Rémi Jennequin, Nicolas Philibert, Pauline Penichout
montaggio / editing Janusz Baranek, Meryll Chandru, Nicolas Philibert
produzione / production
Norio Hatano, Céline Loiseau, Miléna Poylo, Gilles Sacuto
Francia-Giappone 2023, 109′ francese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / France-Japan 2023, 109′ French with English and Italian subtitles
Golden Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival 2023. With his characteristic precision and benevolence, Nicolas Philibert sets out to meet patients and carers who, on a daily basis, invent their lives in a unique place: theAdamant, a unique day-care centre. A floating structure located on the Seine in the heart of Paris, it welcomes adults suffering from mental disorders, offering the kind of care that grounds them in time and space and helps them to recover or keep up their spirits. The team running it tries to resist the deterioration and dehumanisation of psychiatry as best as they can.
Pacha Kama and the Tribe

concerto / concert
chitarra e voce / guitar and vocals Sebastian Torres
contrabbasso e voce / double bass and vocals Mattia Franchina
percussioni e voce / percussion and vocals Alessandro Venza
percussioni e voce / percussion and vocals Alessio Oliva
fisarmonica e voce / accordion and vocals Giuseppe Lana
sassofono / saxophone Letizia Guastella
tromba / trumpet Salvo Cheerio
trombone / trombone Andrea Albanese
percussioni / percussion Marco Mallamo
Pacha Kama and the Tribe is a South American music orchestra. The result of long and in depth musical research, the orchestra has built its repertoire linking the most engaging musical genres of the Latin American tradition during the shows. Colombian cumbia, Cuban son, Ecuadorian bomba, Argentine milonga, chacarera and huayno are some of the rhythms that transform each concert into a real tropical party. Do not miss the ritual moment with songs, dances and perfumes dedicated to Pachakamaq, Pre-Columbian Inca God, Lord of Earthquakes and orchestra’s spiritual guide.
As well as in the ancestral rites of the Indians and Afro-American slaves who played and danced around the fire to exorcise their pains, the Pacha Kama’s concert and the Tribe are a cathartic and ecstatic moment, a musical earthquake!
Bottega delle percussioni

The Drum Circle is a rhythmic event open to everyone, where a group of people who might or might not know each other get together to create music. The participants arrange themselves in a circle, and with the help of a facilitator, they create improvised rhythms using drums and percussion of every kind. Anyone can take part in this event: people of any age, genre, origin, religion, and culture, regardless of their level of musical expertise.
Santo Vitale is the president of the association for social promotion “La Bottega delle Percussioni”, a music school founded in 2002 with the purpose of promoting the well-being that music creates. He starts as an artisan and develops his musical passion for West African percussion.
Throughout the years, he specializes as facilitator of the Drum Circle at the Village Music Circle – Usa. He collaborates with various schools of Palermo and different realities of social promotion, such as Ubuntu International Culture Center, Hryo Human Rights Youth Organization, LVIA – Lay Volunteers International Association Italy, Project “Acqua è Vita”, MIUR, and Amici della Musica.