Capacity building course 2008


From 20 to 27 July 2008 in Palermo took place the third edition of Sole Luna, International festival on Mediterranean and Islamic Cultures: a cinema festival that, through 20 documentaries, showed all the differents cultures e civilisations of the Mediterranean countries.

In this contest “Sole Luna, A bridge through cultures”  organised a capacity building course “From Reportage to documentary: to tell truth”, for  libanese and italian students.

A wonderful mixed group of young people to enhance the cultural exchange.

Teachers in Beirut
AGI Journalists

Ezio Gamba, Cameramen
Federico Greco, Film-maker and Director

Program and teachers in Palermo
Christopher Nupen, film maker, through the view of his films he proposed the question of the artistic feeling.
Nello Correale, filmaker and coreographist, discussed reality representation showing his productions.
Rubino Rubini, documentarist, he introcuced his experience around the world.
Francesco Alliata, father of the italian documentary told the students his rich experience of impressionist/ naturalistic  film-maker.
Carmelo Rapisarda, talked about the difference between journalist reportage and documentary.
Rino Schembri, gave a lesson on ejsenstainian methodic, discussing filmmaker solutions with the students.
Federico Greco, director and teachers also in Beirut, create a concrete connection between the course in Lebanon and in Palermo.
Marco Amenta, invited the students to a dialogue with the city, filming artistic sites of the town.

Project: Sole Luna, Un ponte tra le culture
Project responsable: Lucia Gotti Venturato
Artistic director: Edoardo Dell’Acqua

Doc Fest, AGI, The CO2

Regione Siciliana
Comune di Palermo
Ministero degli Affari Esteri
Direzione Generale per i Paesi del Mediterraneo e del Medio Oriente