Bernardo Bertolucci . La via del nostro tempo/ The way of our time
A cura di / Curated by Gianni Massironi
In collaborazione con / In cooperation with CSC – Cineteca Nazionale
The Tribute that Sole Luna Festival has decided to dedicate to Bernardo Bertolucci a few months after his death (November 26th, 2018) is a homage to the work and talent of a great Italian director recognized and acclaimed throughout the world, and at the same time it is a comparison on the themes and problems that for 15 years have been at the centre of Sole Luna Festival, whose “mission” is to create a “bridge between cultures”.
The Tribute consists of a documentary La via del petrolio (1967), a short film Histoire d’eaux (2002) and three films Piccolo Buddha (1993) L’assedio (1998), Strategia del ragno (1970), three different ways of reflecting and facing the discovery of a reality that was previously completely unknown.
Histoire d’Eaux
Regia | Director Bernardo Bertolucci
Con | With Amit Rayani Arroz, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Tarun Bedi, Chiara Mastalli, Adelicia Fairbanks, Zohirul Azad, Maria Ludovica Bernardi, Jabedoul Azad
Sceneggiatura | Screenplay Bernardo Bertolucci dalla favola dell’“Uomo che andava a cercare dell’acqua” raccontata da Sri Ramakrishna
Fotografia | Photography Fabio Cianchetti
Scenografia | Set Design Metka Košak
Musiche | Music Tarun Bedi
Montaggio | Editing Jacopo Quadri
Costumi | Costumes Louise Stjernsward
Produzione | Production Massimo Cortesi per la Fiction Film, Road Movies Filmproduktion GmbH, con Nicolas McClintock, Nigel Thomas, Ulrich Flsberg
Italia/Germania/Inghilterra, 2002, 14’, italiano con sottotitoli in inglese | Italian with English subtitles
Historie d’Eaux is an episode from “Ten Minutes Older: The Cello”, the second of two feature length compilations of short films exploring each participating director’s personal vision of time. The Cello features films from Bernardo Bertolucci, Mike Figgis, Ji í Menzel, István Szabó, Claire Denis, Volker Schlöndorff, Michael Radford and Jean-Luc Godard.
A young man, Narada, arrives in Italy illegally in a lorry of refugees. He meets an old man who is playing a flute under a tree and asks him for some water. Narada sets off in search of some water and along the way he runs into Marcellina, a 30-year-old woman who is hopelessly trying to restart her scooter. From this moment on, the young man seems to step into a timeless world …
Regia | Director Bernardo Bertolucci
Con | With Thandie Newton, David Thewlis, Claudio Santamaria, Massimo De Rossi, Cyril Nri, Veronica Lazar
Sceneggiatura | Screenplay: Bernardo Bertolucci e Clare Peploe dal racconto The Siege (1985) di James Lasdun
Fotografia | Photography Fabio Cianchetti
Musiche | Music Alessio Vlad
Montaggio | Editing Jacopo Quadri
Scenografia | Set Design Gianni Silvestri
Costumi | Costumes Maria Metka Košak
Produzione | Production Massimo Cortesi per la Navert Film, Fiction Film, Mediaset, BBC Television Centre
Italia/Inghilterra, 1998, 90’, italiano | Italian
Set in the contrasting climates of a politically-charged Africa and the tranquil confines of an enchanting Roman villa, Besieged is a smoldering love story that bridges the gap between two very different worlds. The young African woman Shandurai, after having witnessed her husband’s brutal abduction at the hands of an oppressive government, surfaces in Rome at the home of an eccentric English musician, Mr. Kinsky. Shandurai works as a maid for Mr. Kinsky in exchange for room and board while she studies medicine at the local university. The two have almost nothing in common, yet she hopelessly enchants him. The depth of his devotion will challenge the delicate balance between desire and sacrifice, sentimentalism and need, as old and new worlds meet and meld in this daring and inventive story.
La via del petrolio
Regia | Director Bernardo Bertolucci
Sceneggiatura | Screenplay Bernardo Bertolucci con la consulenza di Alberto Ronchey
Fotografia | Photography Ugo Piccone, Maurizio Salvatori, Giorgio Pelloni
Musiche | Music Egisto Macchi
Montaggio | Editing Roberto Perpignani
Produzione | Production Rai, Eni
Italia, 1967, 48’ (I parte), 40’ (II parte), 45’ (III parte) v.o. con sottotitoli in italiano | o.v. with Italian subtitles
La Via del Petrolio is a three-part documentary (The Origins, At Sea, In the Heart of Europe) Bernardo Bertolucci made for the Italian oil giant ENI that aired in 1967. The work follows the “journey” of the oil, from the research and extraction phase in the Zagros mountains in Iran, transported by ship through the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean, upon arrival in Genoa in the pipeline that leads to the refinery of Ingolstadt, in Bavaria.
Piccolo Buddha
Regia | Director Bernardo Bertolucci
Con | With Bridget Fonda, Keanu Reeves, Ying Ruocheng, Chris Isaak, Alex Wiesendanger, Jo Champa, Sogyal Rimpoché
Sceneggiatura | Screenplay Bernardo Bertolucci, Rudy Wurlitzer, Mark Peploe da un soggetto di Bernardo Bertolucci con Fabien S. Gerard e Giovanni Mastrangelo
Fotografia | Photography Vittorio Storaro
Musiche | Music Ryûichi Sakamoto
Montaggio | Editing Pietro Scalia
Scenografia | Set Design James Acheson
Costumi | Costumes James Acheson
Produzione | Production Jeremy Thomas per la Sahara Ltd Co. (Londra) / CiBy 2000 (Parigi)
Francia/Inghilterra, 1993, 141’, italiano | Italian
After the death of Lama Dorje, Tibetan Buddhist monks find three children – one American and two Nepalese – who may be the rebirth of their great teacher. Lama Norbu comes to Seattle in search of the reincarnation of his dead teacher, Lama Dorje. His search leads him to young Jesse Conrad. Together, they journey to Bhutan where the three children must undergo a test to prove which is the true reincarnation. Interspersed with this, is the story of Siddharta, later known as the Buddha. It traces his spiritual journey from ignorance to true enlightenment.
Strategia del ragno
Regia| Director Bernardo Bertolucci
Con | With Giulio Brogi, Alida Valli, Tino Scotti, Pippo Campanini, Franco Giovannelli, Tino Scotti, Allen Midgette, Claudio Cerioli, Chiara Regina, Attilio Viti, Giuseppe Bertolucci
Sceneggiatura| Screenplay Bernardo Bertolucci, Marilù Parolini, Eduardo de Gregorio, dal racconto Tema del traditore e dell’eroe (1944) di Jorge Luis Borges
Fotografia| Photography Vittorio Storaro, Franco Di Giacomo
Musiche| Music Giuseppe Verdi
Montaggio | Editing Roberto Perpignani
Scenografia | Set Design Maria Paola Maino
Costumi | Costumes Maria Paola Maino
Produzione | Production Giovanni Bertolucci per la Red Film, Rai
Italia, 1970, 110 o 165, italiano | Italian
Athos Magnani, a young researcher, returns to Tara, where his father was killed before his birth, at the request of his father’s mistress, Draifa. The father, also named Athos Magnani and looking exactly like the son, was killed by a fascist in 1936, or so says Draifa, the town statue, and everyone in town. As the son untangles the web of lies this story is constructed from, he finds himself ensnared in the same web.
Bernardo Bertolucci. La via del nostro tempo
mostra fotografica / photographic exhibition
courtesy Clare Peploe
booklet a cura di / booklet curated by Sole Luna – Un ponte tra le culture
testi di / texts by Tiziana Lo Porto
The exhibition is a selection of pictures from the personal archive of the Bertolucci family, many of which are unpublished. An intimate tribute that portrays the master as a boy, as an adult, together with his wife Clare, with the directors Pier Paolo Pasolini and Jean-Luc Godard. In addition to the portraits there are some set photos taken during the shooting of the films selected for the festival: The Spider’s Stratagem, The path of oil, Little Buddha, Historie d’eaux, The siege, the director with Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, with Thandie Newton, Middle Eastern landscapes, the young Keanu Reeves in Little Buddha, the Italian sets in Emilia of The Spider’s Stratagem.