Schedule Sole Luna Sguardi Doc / Treviso 3-6.10.2019

Sole Luna Sguardi Doc 3- 6.10.2019, in Treviso free entry ? 24 documentaries about environment, human rights, cultural identities + Veneto Doc section + meetings with the authors Locations: Tra Treviso Ricerca Arte, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Chiesa San Gregorio Magno. #solelunafestival #sguardiDoc #crearelegami #establishties #Treviso     Online schedule Dowload schedule   Whatch the trailer online Or scan our qcode                 #sguardiDoc #solelunafestival #treviso #cinema #dirittiumani

Treviso 10th October 2018 – Screening “Oltremare” at Carta Carbone Festival

Sole Luna Doc Film Festival will present at Carta Carbone Festival Letteraio
the documentary Oltremare by Loredana Bianconi
BE | 2016 | 83' | N&B | Vo It
Wednesday 10 ottobre – h 9 pm – TRA – Ca dei Ricchi - Treviso
In Fascist Italy in the thirties, many inhabitants of Borgo emigrated to the colonies of the Italian Empire in Africa. Pushed by poverty or the spirit of adventure, they went in search of the Eldorado propaganda had promised them. But their dream crumbles after just a few years of hard labor. War and the fall of the regime led to the loss of the colonies, forcing them to return to Borgo having lost everything. The words, written memoirs and hundreds of photos of witnesses reveal to us a tale long shrouded in silence. Presentation by Antonio Varchetta Info:

23 September Treviso – Frontera Invisible at “Punti di Contatto Festival “

PUNTI DI CONTATTO - storie di frontiere in cooperation with Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 23 September, Piazza San Parisio, Treviso Screening of "Frontera invisible"(2017, Nicolás Richat - Nico Muzi) Frontera Invisible is the true story of communities trapped in the middle of the world’s longest war, in which Big Business’ rush for palm oil to produce ‘green’ fuel has displaced peasant farmers and indigenous people, destroyed natural habitats and concentrated land in the hands of ‘the rich’. A blend of environmental documentary and social research through victims’ testimonials, Frontera Invisible gives a voice to the local communities that are fighting hard to reclaim their land while exposing the major pitfalls of biofuels policy. Colombia is on the cusp of a peace deal that will end 60 years of armed conflict. A war that has displaced more people than the entire population of Denmark. Meanwhile, the government plans to keep planting palm to supply Colombia and Europe with ‘biodiesel’. Will peace return the land to its true owners or merely hand it over to Big Agribusiness? Frontera Invisible Main trailer (EN) from Transport & Environment on Vimeo.   punti contatto

10.09.2018 Treviso / Opening Sole Luna Doc Film Festival


CHIESA DI SAN GREGORIO MAGNO — 19.00 inaugurazione e aperitivo di benvenuto / opening and welcome drink saluti istituzionali / institutional greetings — 19.45 concerto / concert Giovanni Feltrin, organo / organ, Camilla Rutelli, voce recitante / reciting voice — 20.30 concorso / competition Singing with Angry Bird Hyewon Jee Corea del Sud, 2016, 88', v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles Un cantante lirico coreano ha organizzato a Pune, in India, il Banana Children’s Choir. Un viaggio ricco di lacrime e risate. — 22.00 concorso / competition Los ofendidos Marcela Zamora El Salvador e Messico, 2016, 85', v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o. v. English and Italian subtitles “Durante la guerra civile salvadoregna, mio padre ed altre migliaia di uomini sono stati catturati e torturati dallo Stato. Queste sono alcune delle loro storie. Queste persone non chiedono vendetta, tutto ciò che chiedono è conoscere la verità”. TRA. CA’ DEI RICCHI — 20.30 concorso / competition Appennino Emiliano Dante Italia, 2017, 66', v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese / o.v. English subtitles Appennino è un diario cinematografico che inizia dalla lenta ricostruzione de L’Aquila, la città del regista, e prosegue con i terremoti nell’Appennino centrale del 2016-17, fino al lunghissimo ed estenuante asilo dei nuovi terremotati a S. Benedetto del Tronto. — 22.00 concorso / competition Raghu Rai. An unframed portrait Avani Rai Finlandia, India e Norvegia, 2017, 55', v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles Un ritratto senza cornice del fotografo dell’agenzia Magnum Raghu Rai e del suo viaggio lungo 50 anni durante il quale ha immortalato le storie dell’India. Le storie di Raghu Rai raccontate attraverso gli occhi della sua figlia ribelle.

Sole Luna Doc Film Festival – Treviso 10 – 16.09.2018

The Festival in Treviso takes place from 10 to 16 September at the Church of San Gregorio Magno and at the headquarters of the Association TRA, Treviso, Research, Art, at Ca' dei Ricchi,. The films in competition were divided into sections: Human Rights, The Journey and Shorts Docs. Two out of competition sections specially designed for Treviso Festival: Veneto Doc, a showcase dedicated to Venetian authors and Cinema in the cellar, a showcase focused on wine that takes place in the cellars of the territory. Meetings with the authors, presentations and insights, organ concerts and a workshop on the role of music in cinema enrich the week of the festival. Dowload the programme    

Opening Sole Luna Doc Film Festival | 2 july Palermo

Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 13. edizione / edition 2 luglio /July 2018 Santa Maria dello Spasimo Palermo Ingresso gratuito/free entrance

SANTA MARIA DELLO SPASIMO 19.00 inaugurazione / opening with Banda alle Ciance Drinks offered by Assovini, food offered by NaturaSì Opening mostre / exhibitions Il sacro degli altri. Culti e pratiche rituali dei migranti in Sicilia fotografie di / photos by Attilio Russo, Giuseppe Muccio inaugurazione / opening Crossfade spazio sonoro Davide Cairo, Francesco Novara inaugurazione / opening Spotlight on Martina Melilli. The Fourth Day of School 2015, 5′ 03′′ Italian-African Rhyzome.A Choreography for Camera 2017, 4′ 13′′ L(h)ost 2018, 2′ 30′′   SPASIMO / NAVATA — 20.00 saluti istituzionali / institutional greetings — 21.00 concorso / competition In the name of, Erlynee Kardany Norvegia, 2017, 54′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles Regista in sala| Meet the author In a time when belief no longer has a true face and outrage and war threatens to take centerstage, this documentary searches for the secret of peace and compromise. This is a stirring story of one cross-cultural family in conflict over religion. Over the course of 5 years, the filmmaker turns the camera on herself and her nearest to shed light on the challenges of living with Islam as a modern day woman. In the Name of... trailer (PREVIOUS TITLE IS : Love & Sacrifice) from Novemberfilm on Vimeo.   — 22.30 concorso / competition Untitled, Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi Germania e Austria, 2017, 107′, v.o. con voce narrante in italiano / o.v. with Italian voice over After the sudden death of Michael Glawogger in April 2014, his longstanding collaborator and editor Monika Willi realizes a film out of the footage Glawogger shot over the course of 4 months and 19 days in the Balkans, Italy, North and West Africa. A journey out into the world with open eyes and open mind - observing, listening, experiencing. Serendipity is the concept and the only rule to apply - in editing and creating the film just as it was in shooting. Narrated by Nada Malanima. SPASIMO / GIARDINO — 21.00 concorso / competition Sea of sorrow – Sea of hope, Estephan Wagner, Marianne Hougen-Moraga Danimarca, 2018, 29′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles Manal lives in Syria with her three children. A run-in with ISIS leading to death threats forces Manal to flee the country. She leaves her children behind, thinking they will be able to reunite, once she has reached Europe. However, after 10 long months in Denmark, she learns that she cannot apply for family reunification for another three years. Manal decides to save her children. Raghu Rai. An unframed portrait, Avani Rai Finlandia, India e Norvegia, 2017, 55′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles An unframed portrait of Magnum photographer Raghu Rai and his 50 year long journey capturing the stories of India. Raghu Rai’s stories told through the eyes of his own rebel daughter. Together they embark on a journey to Kashmir, the most militarized land on earth. — 22.30 concorso / competition Before my feet touch the ground, Daphni Leef Israele, 2017, 78′, v.o. con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / o.v. English and Italian subtitles July 2011, a young Israeli video editor named Daphni Leef decides to protest against rent prices by pitching a tent in the city center. Within a few days, a whole boulevard is full of tents because a modest protest against housing policy grew into a national protest movement for social justice. Daphni at first is combative and exuding an attractive idealism, she gradually becomes exhausted. As director, Daphni looks back on this turbulent period when she was transformed from a naive young woman into a celebrated and controversial national icon.

Press conference Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 13. edition

Press conference Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 13. edition IMG_6171 The press conference for the 13th edition of the Sole Luna Doc Film Festival was held on Tuesday July 21th in Palermo at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia to present the program of the Festival,  which will be held in Santa Maria dello SPasimo in Palermo. The conference was attended by all the major media, together with those who follow the local Palermo scene. The program of the Festival was presented by its president, Lucia Venturato, scientific director Gabriella D'Agostino and artistic directors Chiara Andrich and Andrea Mura. They presented the programme with 28 documentaries in competition between short films and feature films, divided into the Human Rights, The Journey and Short docs sections. The topics of the films chosen are those that have always characterized Sole Luna Doc Film Festival, an intercultural journey that stimulates the knowledge of near and distant realities. Concerning the Out of competition, they have chosen numerous feature and short films on issues related to human rights and the environment, presented in collaboration with other festivals such as the Festival international du film insulaire de Groix and the Animaphix International Animation Festival, as well as with associations and foreign cultural institutes in Palermo, with the aim of "networking" and "establish ties". IMG_6205 Since the happy contingency of the choice of Palermo as Italian Capital of Culture 2018, this year the Sole Luna goes beyond documentary cinema and include other forms of art with the Arts in festival, which includes a series of events and hosts international artists. Sole Luna Doc Film Festival this year, with its multifaceted programming, wants to be more and more a place of discovery and meeting in a frontier space open to the world where cinema can become a compass to orient oneself in the complicated present.   Here the programme qui.

Treviso – Partnership with Endorfine Rosa Shocking

ENDORFINE_1Sole Luna - un ponte tra le culture is partner of the showcase Endorfine Rosa Shocking May-October 2018, Treviso SHOCKING PINK ENDORPHINES Films about women in sport Focus created and curated by Laura Aimone An intriguing trip around the world through very diverse sports. Undisputed travel companions: women. From Pakistan to Mexico, from Israel to Mongolia, from Ethiopia to Iraq, crossing Palestine, Iran and Europe, the focus will present short and long features films chosen among the best films about sports that travelled the Festival world in the past years. The main genre is documentary, but there are also a series of fiction and animation films. No matter what the latitude, sports offer women a way to escape from the ordinary life, be it a war situation or a boring existence without any purpose. But they can also be a way to question patriarchal societies, pushing both the personal limits and the boundaries of what is acceptable. Sports may be a passport to a better life or simply a thrill to add more adrenaline to one’s life. Even the most individualistic activity implies some sort of interaction with people around and achieving results always comes at a price. Sports can become a way of living or be turned into art. A kaleidoscope of film genres and ways of living sports, as diverse as the shades of women. PROGRAMME 09.05 FREE KICK — Bernabè Rico (Spagna 2012, 13’) SPEED SISTERS — Amber Fares (Palestina 2015, 80’) 06.06 OPERATION MOFFAT — Jen Randall, Claire Carter (UK 2015, 20’) SALAAM DUNK — David Fine (US/Iraq 2011, 80’) 20.06 Ospite della serata e curatela Sole Luna Film Festival AQUA SALSA — Elia Romanelli (Italia 2015, 26’) ELIZABETH’S PLAYGROUND — Maris Kerge, Erik Norkroos (Estonia 2015, 30’) 12.09 Serata ospiti del Sole Luna Film Festival LUCHADORA — River Finlay (Messico 2014, 12’) GIRL UNBOUND — Erin Heidenreich (US/Pakistan 2016, 80’) 19.09 Film con sottotitoli per non udenti BEACH FLAGS — Sarah Saidan (Francia/Iran 2014, 14’) WHITE BLESSING — Sengedorj Janchivdorj (Mongolia 2016, 100’) 03.10 AFTERGLOW — Tommaso Di Paola, Jack Webber (UK 2016, 6’) TOWN OF RUNNERS — Jerry Rothwell (Etiopia/UK 2012, 80’) I film avranno inizio alle ore 20.30 Tutti i film saranno sottotitolati in italiano. INFO Offerta responsabile,Soci T RA ingresso gratuito. TRA Treviso Ricerca Arte Ca’ dei Ricchi. Via Barberia 25, Treviso Orari: mar – sab 10:00 – 13:00 e 15:30 – 19:30; dom 15:30 – 19:30 +39.0422.419990 / +39.339.6443542 [email protected] Foto poster by Vivienne Rickman-Poole  

Call for entry Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 2018

FESTIVAL 2018 Film submission to Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 2018 are open. The Festival will take place from July 2nd to 8th in Palermo and from September 10th to 16th in Treviso. The festival is also partner of Milano Human Rights Film Festival with a showcase on Human Rights at the Triennale in Milan from March 19th to 24th SUBMIT YOUR FILM The entry form and all the useful information you need to participate in the festival are available on line: The deadline for submitting your entries is February 15th 2018. Hurry up and submit your films!

Honorary citizenship of Palermo to Lucia Gotti Venturato

Monday October 30th at 12.30 am, Palazzo delle Aquile, Palermo
Mayor Leoluca Orlando will give honorary citizenship of Palermo to Lucia Gotti Venturato on October 30th at 12.30 am in the advisory room of Palazzo delle Aquile.
Lucia wishes to share this recognition with all those who have supported the festival and the many activities of the association during the last 12 years: the tireless Sole Luna staff, volunteers, institutions, associations, sponsors, directors and artists who have enriched the life of the Association and the quality of the Festival. Particular thanks to all those people, women and men, young and older people, citizens and foreigners who have followed us in this shared growth.
Sole Luna Doc Film Festival, Palermo 2017
Sole Luna Doc Film Festival, Palermo 2017