GAP. Graffiti Art In Prison

regia / directed by Chiara Agnello
fotografia / photography Maura Morales Bergman
montaggio / editing Riccardo Cannella
produzione / production Sistema Museale d’Ateneo, Università degli Studi di Palermo,
cofinanziato Erasmus+ GAP “Graffiti Art in Prison” 2020-1-IT02-KA203-080009
Italia 2023, 60′, italiano
incontro e proiezione / meeting and screening
in collaborazione con / in collaboration with Sistema Museale d’Ateneo dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo
intervengono / speakers Chiara Agnello, Laura Barreca, Gabriella Cianciolo, Paolo Inglese, Massimo Midiri

GAP. Graffiti Art In Prison is commissioned in the framework of the European project Erasmus+ (Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education) realised by the University Museum System of the University of Palermo, in partnership with Kunsthistorische Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck Institut, University of Cologne, Dams of the University of Palermo, University of Zaragoza and the Academy of Art and Design – Abadir of Catania, under the patronage of the Ministry of Justice, DOC – Department of Corrections and the Ministry of Culture, with the support of the University of Cologne and the media partnership of SkyArte.

The documentary follows the stories of the artists involved in the project during the workshops held in 2022 in correctional institutions, together with PhD students and inmates from the prisons of Pagliarelli, Ucciardone and Malaspina, in Palermo, and Sollicciano in Florence. Through these interactions, the value of the shared gesture, of creativity at the service of communication between apparently distant worlds emerged. A communication between human beings, with different origins and experiences, who manage to establish a relationship based on the awareness that art can be the most effective tool for overcoming barriers and preconceptions that the collective imagination attributes to the prison context.
The work also documents the genesis and development of the GAP project, in its scientific, artistic and social aspects, and in the proposal of a new way of rethinking university teaching, based on new forms of knowledge and study, through an empathetic approach and open to the involvement of other realities, with the aim of to solicit participation within new inclusive dynamics towards those living in conditions of deprivation and hardship.