En nous
in collaborazione con / in cooperation with Institut français Palermo
regia / director Régis Sauder
fotografia / photography Aurélien Py, Régis Sauder
montaggio / editing Agnès Bruckert
produzione / production Thomas Ordonneau– Shellac
Francia 2021, 100′ francese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / France 2021, 100′ French with English and Italian subtitles
Ten years ago, Emmanuelle, a French teacher of a high school of the northern suburbs of Marsiglia, took part in a movie with her students. Starting from the reading of La Princesse de Clèves, Abou, Morgane, Laura, Cadiatou and the others talked about their dreams, their desires and their fears. Today they all reunited, the memories mix with stories of their lives and the obstacles to overcome. What is left of their hopes for freedom, brotherhood, equality? «I know nothing can be more difficult than what I undertake», this quote in the novel finds more than ever an echo in them. In us.

No u-turn
in collaborazione con / in cooperation with Goethe Institut Palermo
fotografia / photography Jide Akinleminu
montaggio / editing Matthieu Augustin
produzione / production Elda Productions, Passion 8 Communication, Steps
Nigeria-Francia-Sud AfricaGermania 2022, 92′ inglese, igbo, francese, pidgin con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / Nigeria-South Africa-FranceGermany 2022, 92′ English, Igbo, French, Nigerian Pidgin with English and Italian subtitles
As a young man, Ike Nnaebue tried to flee to Europe. Twenty years later, he retraces the steps of his journey back then to find out what motivates people today to expose themselves to the dangers of a passage into an uncertain future.
Threshold / Limiar
in collaborazione con / in cooperation with
Palermo Pride, Sicilia Queer filmfest
regia / director Coraci Ruiz
fotografia / photography Coraci Ruiz
montaggio / editing Coraci Ruiz
produzione / production Lab Cisco
Brasile 2020, 77′ portoghese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / Brazil 2020, 77′ Portuguese with English and Italian subtitles
Threshold is an autobiographical documentary made by a mother who follows the gender transition of her adolescent son: between 2016 and 2019 she interviews him addressing the conflicts, certainties and uncertainties that pervade him in a deep search for his identity. At the same time, the mother, revealed through a firstperson narration and by her voice behind the camera that talks to her son, also goes through a process of transformation required by the situation that life presents her with by breaking old paradigms, facing fears and dismantling prejudices.
regia / director Chiara Agnello
fotografia / photography Maura Morales Bergmann
montaggio / editing Edoardo Morabito
produzione / production WellSee S.r.l.
Italia 2021, 57′ italiano con sottotitoli in inglese / Italy 2021, 57′ Italian with English subtitles
The documentary is about “Teatri Alchemici DaDaDaùn”, a company in Palermo formed by the artistic duo Luigi Di Ganci and Ugo Giacomazzi, in which all the actors have the down syndrome. Founded about ten years ago, this company took part in many festivals and won many prizes thanks to the original texts enacted and written specifically for these actors. Young people on stage are finally free to express themselves with delight and enthusiasm.
Animati in video
in partnership con /with La Macchina dei Sogni
In partnership with the festival of puppet theatre La Macchina dei sogni (7 — 10 July, Palermo) we offer to the Palermitan audience a selection of animated short films on the theme of travel and human rights. The videos come from the Animati in video competition, promoted by the “Festival Internazionale dei Burattini e delle Figure Arrivano dal Mare!”, in partnership with Alpe Adria Puppet Festival, Anima International Festival, La Macchina dei Sogni, Immagina Festival, Incanti Rassegna Internazionale di Teatro di Figura, Segni New Generations Festival.
Oriphoea Zero
Lorenzo Gianmario Galli, 4′
Pedro’s Dream
Barbara Veloc, 6′
John and the evening
Gianfranco de Franco, Edmondo Romano, Eros Guerra, Daniele Suraci, Francesco Bolo Rossini, Marco Lucci, Inriclassic, 4′
La maggior parte
Margherita Cennamo, Burattinificio Mangiafoco, 10′
La tenda
Marta Ciceri, Alice Edelvais , 6′