#elgoogo project – Good Practises for the Web
Here are a few good practices for all of us that use the Internet
1. Report offending content to the platform provider
2. Be mindful of what you share and say online
3. Share and spread knowledge e.g. positive documentaries or news articles
4. Raise awareness and encourage others to raise awareness on the importance of positive speech
5. Get involved in counter speech initiatives. There are numerous websites and competitions that are looking for counter speech campaigns such as: https://www.facebook.com/business/m/create-against-hate
Websites to check out
• https://www.standupeducation.org
• http://www.nohatespeechmovement.org
• If you want to create a counter speech and you want ideas, check this website: https://www.coe.int/en/web/no-hate-campaign/we-can-alternatives
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