
1 photo

film Description

Regia/Directors Claudia Cataldi, Elena Poggioni, Stefano Poggioni
Fotografia/Photography Claudia Cataldi
Montaggio/Editing  Stefano Poggioni
Produzione/Production The Factory PRD
Italia 2023, 61’ italiano e inglese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano / Italy 2023, 61’ Italian and English with English and Italian subtitles

Bakari was born a slave in Gambia. He left his country to join his father in Libya and ended up weak and alone on a boat in the Mediterranean Sea. One morning Joy left her house to go jogging and never saw her family again; Moustapha had to escape; Danielle left “to seek a better life” for herself and her child. Fourteen voices telling 14 stories mingling into a single story: the same as the one of all the others who had to take the voyage to reach our shores, crossing the desert, Libya and the sea. A story telling about beating, torture, rape, jail and kidnapping. Apnea evidences such a controversial and debated topic starting from the heart of the matter: the people and their memories and life experiences.

friday july 5
h. 22.30
Cortile Bonet