Regia/Director Beza Hailu Lemma, Hiwot Admasu Getaneh
Fotografia/Photography Brook Getaneh
Montaggio/Editing Henok Birhanu
Produzione/Production Hiwot Admasu Getaneh (EFUYE GELA FILMS), Beza Hailu Lemma (EFUYE GELA FILMS), Don Edkins (STEPS), Tiny Mungwe (STEPS)
Etiopia-Sud Africa 2022, 26’ amarico con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano/ Ethiopia-South Africa 2022, 26’ Amharic with English and Italian subtitles
Amele is the colorful host of a small hostel in the bustling neighborhood of Katanga, Addis Ababa. She rents out beds to people from all walks of life; day laborers, streets kids, pickpockets. Katanga is one of the last few undeveloped places in the heart of Addis Ababa and it is surrounded from all sides by the looming shadows of construction. Enkehone, a young man from the northern city of Gondar, works as an illegal street vendor while sleeping in Amele’s hostel. He is a shrewd and ambitious salesman who is constantly on the run from the police. The unpredictability of his business is shared by many who sleep in Amele’s house. Most of them have to scavenge together some money everyday to afford staying the night.