Regia/Director Milad Tangshir
Fotografia/Photography Andrea Zambelli, Andrea Zanoli
Montaggio/Editing Claudio Cormio
Produzione/Production Rossofuoco
Italia 2019, 80’ afrikaans, spagnolo, italiano, inglese con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano/ Afrikaans, Spanish, Italian, English with English and Italian subtitles
This film is a journey in three of the world’s most important astronomic observatories, located in the ends of the earth: Atacama Desert, Chile; Great Karoo, South Africa; La Palma Island, Atlantic Ocean. Three strategic locations to observe and study the universe where, thanks to advanced technologies, the international scientific community has achieved brilliant discoveries concerning the origins of the universe and life on Earth. Some indigenous communities, small farming and fishing villages and people profoundly bounded to these places, live near the telescopes. Two opposite worlds sharing the same attention towards the sky above them and which, thanks to their approaches and suggestion that are as different as they are fascinating, help us to look upwards, towards the stars which are made with the same material as humans.